Photos From The Set
Click Clack Jack
Release Update: September 13, 2007
Ryan Bodie
Executive Producer / Director
Studio 26 Productions, Inc.
4301 32nd Street West, Suite B-16
Bradenton, FL 34205
A day on the set with Terry Ike Clanton
I left the house at 2:55 a.m. with a full tank of gas in my Hummer for a 7:00 a.m. call time at Paramount Ranch up off the 101 Freeway and Kanan Rd. Wow, L.A. traffic is great at the wee hours of the morning. I left early because it's really hard to judge time if you get caught up in the early monring rush hour traffic in downtown L.A. I was early alright, I got to the Kanan off ramp around 4:15 a.m. so I just kicked back till around 6:00 a.m. then I drove up in the hills to Paramount Ranch. After parking my truck, I threw on my frock coat (that's not very warm) and I walked up to the western town set. I wasn't dressed for the 26 degree weather that mother nature was serving up, it was COLD!!!! I didn't find any warmth on the set but I did find some hot coffee and breakfast. During breakfast a woman from the wardrobe department came by and said I looked perfect for auction scene, but they needed to dress me down for the first scene in Potters Gap, a small town where the folks are quite poor. She said I didn't need makeup, so that was cool. I changed into some scruffy town clothes, she added a rust color duster on me and I was good to go. I forgot to take a photo of my first outfit so use your imagination.
Before we started filming, Keith the producer who also plays Clack Clack Jack came over and introduced himself. He told me that this was his dream project and thanks to his family and friends who helped out with funds his dream was coming true, how cool is that. Click Clack Jack is a christian children's series that's going to be marketed to christian television networks and churches.
We worked until a little after 1:00 pm before we broke for lunch. Great mexican food!
The director, first AD and all the workers were very personable and fun to work with.
My part wrapped at around 2:40 p.m., I said goodbye to some friends and I headed back onto the L.A. freeways to head home.
Watch for Click Clack Jack to be coming out soon!
Until next time, keep your cinch tight, Terry Ike Clanton
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