12th Annual

Tombstone Arizona   November 17-19, 2005


Emmett Kelly Jr.
Nov. 13, 1923 - Nov. 29, 2006  RIP
This is my long time friend Emmett Kelly Jr. last year in 2005 just after he celebrated his 81st birthday.
Emmett entertained people as a clown for 44 years.  I had a nice visit with Emmett before Clanton Day's in 2005.
Thanks for all the memories Emmett, rest in peace. Terry Ike Clanton

The first night everyone was greeted on the boardwalk by Tombstone resident historian
Ben Traywick (far right) and his wife Mary. Also pictured (left to right) Jim Peterson,
Rita Ackerman, Suzanne Peterson, and Doug Ackerman.

The notorious looking group gathers in a Tombstone watering hole to catch up on old times.

Friday morning "Ike" walked the group through the famous Boothill Graveyard explaining the graves.

The Friday aftrenoon old fashion BBQ was new this year, but everyone seemed to enjoy it.

This little guy was the crowd favorite at the BBQ

Best Movie Cowboy & Shady Lady Participants

And the 2005 winners are...  Jim Peterson & Rita Ackerman

The annual photo of Ike's Saturday morning walking tour of Tombstone. This is where the other side of the story gets told!

The 12th annual Clanton Day's Rendezvous dinner was held in Tombstone Ghosts & Legends Cafe.
Susanne Peterson provided the entertaiment with a talk on women's fashions of the 1880's, then
Susanne's beautful singing voice came to life.  Wow, what a perfomance!  This is the kind of
entertainment Tombstone should offer nightly in one of the many saloons.

After dinner the group walked through Tombstone Ghosts & Legends. In four different
rooms, a holographic Doc Holliday explains Tombstone history.  Above Doc explains how
Morgan Earp was murdered through a window while shooting pool.

Saturday Night at 11:30 p.m. we concluded Clanton Day's with our "ORIGINAL TOMBSTONE GHOST TOUR"
Just like every year it's was truly absolutely!


We hope ya'll our planning to join us for Clanton Day's in 2006

Tombstone Clanton Days Archives

The 5th annual Clanton Rendezvous 1998 (photo page)
Yes... we had a great time in 1998, join us in 1999

The 6th annual  Clanton Rendezvous 1999 (Photo Page)
Yes... we had another great time in 1999, join us in 2000

The 7th annual Clanton Days Rendezvous 2000 (Photo)
Yes... we had another great time in 2000, check out out bike ride!

The 8th annual Tombstone Clanton Days 2001 (Photo Page)
Yes... we had another great time in 2001

The 9th annual Tombstone Clanton Days 2002 (Photo Page)
Yes... we had another great time in 2002, check out the ghost tour!

The 10th annual Tombstone Clanton Days 2003 (Photo Page)
Sorry but photos were very limited in 2003.

The 11th annual Tombstone Clanton Days 2004 (Photo Page)
Yes... we had another great time in 2002, check out the ghost tour!

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